December 28, 2007
December 20, 2007
December 16, 2007
December 6, 2007
November 26, 2007
Gilgal, part 2
November 19, 2007
November 15, 2007
For rent
November 5, 2007
Gilgal, part 1
The statues that are though out the garden are the creation of Thomas Child. He worked on this garden from 1945 to 1963. I stumbled on the park a couple of months ago on my way to the gym and took a ridiculous amount of pictures. So, I have spit them up in 6 parts. Hope you like them.
November 2, 2007
And if you want to catch random people hula-hooping, you may just want to drop by on a Friday night. It is open until 12am on Friday and Saturday.
The inside is very nicely decorated. Super comfy couches in case the caffeine does not wake you up. I do think that he probably over spent on those couches but from a customers point of view it is very swank.
There is even this great space of booths. Each one has an outlet, great for laptops or other devices. It's a great set up for students. Since it is located right across the street from the community college, it was a very smart move. So, go and check the Coffee Connection out it is on 1580 S. State St.
October 26, 2007
Liberty Park
October 12, 2007
October 6, 2007
I went to post this and for some reason that I can't figure out, everything that I type is underlined. Well, I guess that I'll just go with it. I took this picture because it surprised me to see a political bumper sticker used as graffiti. Unfortunatly the person that placed this propaganda placed in at a bus stop. We don't have cars. Most of us hate Hummers because we can't afford one. Oh, yeah we say that it is because of the stupidity of having a huge car for picking up groceries but really it is because I can't have one. Not that I want one, really, but that I don't even have the option to reject it. If this person really wanted to make an impact with his sticker they should have put it on an actual Hummer.
September 25, 2007
Most houses in the SLC don't have driveways. Instead there are these back alleys that people use to get to their parking. Walking around the neighborhood by way of these is a favorite past time. The front yard of most homes is what the home owners want the world to see, but the back yards are a better picture of what their like. Also, it feels like you are being rebellious, peeking in on people's private lives. The other great thing about the alley system is that the look of the neighborhood is very clean. Just house after house.
September 21, 2007
September 19, 2007
September 18, 2007
Bone hand
I've seen this bit of graffiti around town. I wonder if it is some kind of underground symbol for some secret society. The Bone Hand society. Probably not but it would be cool if it was.
Recently there has been news media attention to the "graffiti problem" in the Salt Lake valley. But it was never news worthy until it showed up in a "nicer" part of town. Now there is even a graffiti info line where you can leave tips. Whatever. Yes there is tagging in Salt Lake but really it is very little for a city this size. Also, it is bullshit that until some of the more affluent neighborhoods get tagged it is not considered a problem.
September 14, 2007
Ha ha ha ha ha. Love it. Strippers need our help. Those 6 inch bitch heels with the 3 inch see through platforms, don't buy themselves. I've only been to strip joints in Salt Lake so I don't know how they compare to other places. I'd think that most are about the same.
I do believe that strippers, or sorry exotic dancers, do need help in a couple of areas. First, if you are going to say that you are an exotic dancer then dance! For god sake, find the beat and follow it. Some of the women I've seen have no idea how to dance. These ladies are strippers, not dancers at all. Second, if you are going to have acrylic toe nails (which I think is gross to begin with) please have them painted. No one wants to see your toes glowing green under the black lights. Disgusting.
September 12, 2007
September 10, 2007
September 8, 2007
Cross-eyed Slut
September 4, 2007
Beehive Tea Room
And the music that they play is great bluesy, jazzy, loungy kind of music. It's the kind of place that makes for a great end to hard work week.
I've seen the place used for bridal and baby showers. I know that if you call in advance they will prepare a whole tea service. With those great tiny sandwiches and pastries. I do wish that they stayed open just a bit longer, they close at 7pm. But even a couple of hours there makes for a great escape.
August 31, 2007
How freaking long has this mural been up? I'm in the 9th and 9th area all the time and have never noticed this. Must be because it is tucked away behind the Barbacoa. If you're just passing by, you'd never notice it. Well here it is the hidden mural.
I'm not sure how the space scene relates to the underwater mermaid. Must be for the sushi place next door. But still it's kind of a strange mix.
August 29, 2007
Lion door
How awesome is this door? It's on about 380 s and Main St. And don't let the picture fool you, this door is like 15 feet tall and very impressive. I'm not sure what it use to lead to but now a days it leads to an investment company. Not that they use these doors, on the side is a sign asking people to go to a side door instead. How boring. A door like that needs to lead into a grand mansion where the owners wear ballgowns and tuxes daily. Where even the maids and butlers look beautiful. Where people spring into song and dance at least three times a day.
August 27, 2007
August 24, 2007
Gallivan Center
I wasn't crazy about the bands but they did a good job. French Kiss from New York and Calexico. Maybe, if I'd had a beer or more I would have enjoyed the show more. But being as the next day is a work day, got to be responsible.
I do hope to make it to all the shows next year. These shows are always a great reminder that Salt Lake does not suck.