August 31, 2007


How freaking long has this mural been up? I'm in the 9th and 9th area all the time and have never noticed this. Must be because it is tucked away behind the Barbacoa. If you're just passing by, you'd never notice it. Well here it is the hidden mural.

I'm not sure how the space scene relates to the underwater mermaid. Must be for the sushi place next door. But still it's kind of a strange mix.

August 29, 2007

Lion door

How awesome is this door? It's on about 380 s and Main St. And don't let the picture fool you, this door is like 15 feet tall and very impressive. I'm not sure what it use to lead to but now a days it leads to an investment company. Not that they use these doors, on the side is a sign asking people to go to a side door instead. How boring. A door like that needs to lead into a grand mansion where the owners wear ballgowns and tuxes daily. Where even the maids and butlers look beautiful. Where people spring into song and dance at least three times a day.

August 27, 2007


If all signs looked this cool, I'd probably pay more attention to them. This fly sign happens to be on Pierpont Ave, about 250 S, between 400 w and 300 w. Go check it out. And don't miss the galleries that are right there. They are just as fly as the sign.

August 24, 2007

Gallivan Center

This is the last of the free Gallivan Center Thursday concerts. I'm so sad to say that it was the only one that I attended. Normally, I don't miss even one but this year was a bit hectic. The crowd was packed and a blast to watch. The best is to watch the dancers, festival dancers. Some of these people need new friends. Friends that actually care about them. Friends that care enough to say "Stop dancing your embarrassing everyone." I know, I know their not hurting anybody by dancing like morons. But still, some of them need to be stopped.

I wasn't crazy about the bands but they did a good job. French Kiss from New York and Calexico. Maybe, if I'd had a beer or more I would have enjoyed the show more. But being as the next day is a work day, got to be responsible.
I do hope to make it to all the shows next year. These shows are always a great reminder that Salt Lake does not suck.

August 23, 2007


It's amazing how much food is growing wild in the city. There's a house about 3 blocks from my apartment that has mint growing wild. I, unfortunately, didn't get to have a fresh mint mojito this year. I waited too long and the plants went to seed but maybe next year. In the avenues, there was a house I use to raid. They had dill growing wild in the front yard, that would spill over into the sidewalk. It was great with chicken. Currently, it is my neighbors house that I get food from. They have a large blackberry bush. It's right next to the alley that leads to my apartment. And thanks to them I had a great big blackberry cobbler. Now that's what I call eating local.

August 17, 2007

Pioneer Concert

Pioneer Park, on 300 south and 300 west, has had a bad reputation for a long time but things are changing. With all the new condos and businesses in the area, things are looking up. For a few weeks more, there will be free concerts at the park on Fridays from 6 to 9. This is a very nice and relaxing way to spend an evening.

It was great to see families enjoying the park outside of the Farmers Market hours (Saturdays 8 am to 1 pm, in case you needed to know). And yes, there were still some homeless people there. Hard for there not to be since the shelter is only a couple of blocks away. They can be very entertaining though. There was one lady that must have been a stripper in better times because she was working a sapling like a pro. But hell, it is still a public park and if she wants to be a true tree hugger then good for her.

And if, your still worried about hanging at Pioneer Park, don't. The police presence is very visible.

August 16, 2007


This is probably my favorite tree and I have no idea what kind it is. The leafs are huge and heart shaped. In spring they have these nice white flowers then the pods come along. The pods are probably a pain to clean up but they are fun to play with. It can be a wand for Harry Potter fans or a painful beating stick to keep bad kids in line.

August 13, 2007


This is even better than the my honor student can beat up your honor student sticker. But even better that this was a very straight forward sticker that I saw last week at the Paradise Cafe on 4th south. It said "George W. Bush is a lying sack of shit". Wow, now that's blunt.

August 11, 2007


So, if you are not an organ donor please reconsider. Lives are saved by organ donation. Now a days most people are getting cremated anyways and if they charge by the pound organ donation is a great way to be frugal. Just kidding. But it is a great way to be awesome. These pics are from the annual 5 K run/walk hosted by Intermountain Donor Services. They are the group that coordinate organ retrieval in this area. I'm happy and sad to say that I was beat to the finish by some transplant patients. One of the lung transplant patients even finished in like 30 minutes. WOW.

This group is so cute. The dad of the kids with the sign just received a new heart this year. Very sweet. Now doesn't that just warm your heart? You donate to other charities. Why not give the gift of life? Don't you want to help families be happy? Why are you so greedy with your organs? Donate already. Ok, ok, I'm sorry that I was pushy. But donation is good. Think about it.

In total I think that there were about 500 or so run/walkers this year. Very nice turn out. They even give out prizes at the end. It's a great event for a great cause.

August 6, 2007


I came across this tree going to the gym. It is on about 730 e and 500 s, across from the Wonder Bread factory. When I passed by the following week the signs were gone. I didn't even get to try one. Makes me wonder if someone stole the tool that was left there. It was a nice idea though.

August 4, 2007


On a lovely Sunday morning, I decide to enter the 9th and 9th Smith's restroom and this is what I walk in on. I can see so many scenarios. I'm assuming that if a person actually wants to be pregnant, that they are not going to take the test in a public restroom. No this girls is scared and wants it all to just go away. I'm sure that she sat there begging the stick to tell her that she is just very, very late in getting her period.

I imagine that it is Saturday night and a drunk girl stubbles into the restroom, vomits up one of the many drinks that she's had this night. Flush, she then sits down and thinks for a moment. Maybe she cries silently to herself and then takes the test. Sitting there staring at the stick as it slowly, very slowly changes color. Makeup running off her face. Maybe she just recently turned 18. Just starting to go out and spread her wings. Flirting with that cute older guy at the party won't hurt.

Maybe, she is very young 14 or 15. How is she going to tell her mom? They told her he was no good but he had the most amazing hands. No one made her feel the way he did.

Or maybe it is Mrs. Jones. Having an affair after 10 years of marriage. If only she hadn't meet Roberto and been intoxicated by his Latin flair. Her husband Bill is going to kill her. And she wouldn't even be able to pass the baby off as his.

I sure hope that whoever this was that their wish came true.