January 16, 2008


OK, I took this picture a while ago and this guy did not win. But when I saw this, I just had to laugh. This guy made the liquor laws more reasonable? How? Because from where I am sitting the liquor laws are still ridiculous. I went to the Dessert Brewing Company for dinner and found out that because of our reasonable liquor laws, half the restaurant can serve any kind of drink (with food purchase only) and the other side can only serve beer regardless of whether or not you get food. What kind of a retard thought that up? Then at Area 51 the under 21 patrons can't be allowed to see that liquor is being sold. Yet, they can see it being consumed. What the hell? Do they think that if they see liquor being bought that they'll become alcoholics or go on a bender? Most of those kids have already had a few drinks before going in anyway. Yeah, when it comes to liquor laws Utah is definitely not reasonable.