Poor Yorick is a large warehouse space that about 40 different artist do their work out of. The space is payed for by the artist themselves which allows them to be free of cooperate obligations. They have two openings a year. The spring opening was this Friday, March 28 and Saturday, March 29. Here are some random pictures from my visit. I tried to get the names of the artist attached to the picture. And if anyone is unhappy that I posted pictures of their art just send a message and I'll take down. And right after saying that I got the names of the artist here is a picture of one of the doors to a studio who's artist I did not get the name of. Oh well. Even though the door was not totally meant to be a piece of art, I enjoy the look of this swan. Graceful and very intense.
The piece above was done by Shasta Fletcher. I'm not exactly sure what I'm suppose to get from this but I actually think that the babies are kind of cute. I would probably like the bowl of eyes if it had not been the head but just a piece on it's own. Still this takes more talent than I have.