HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Great addition to the "Trust Jesus" signs that are around town. This one is on 300 west and about 275 south.
This one was on 600 east and about 480 south but has been cleaned off the street.
The verse that it is referring to goes, "But these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them in my presence." As far as I can tell Jesus is telling a story about a ruler who leaves and asks his servants to invest some money for him while he is gone. One servant does very well, another does poorly. At the end of the story it is the ruler who says this line to his servants.
So, I guess that the person using this verse means to say that Jesus agrees with the idea of slaying. I think but it is hard to know for sure. When you read the verse it does not say why Jesus is telling this story or what point he is trying to get across. It is just a guessing game as to what Jesus is trying to tell the audience with this story. Who's in the wrong the servant, who did not do well or the ruler, who wants to kill all who oppose him?
Yet, another chapter in the religious wars that are happening on the streets of Salt Lake.