August 11, 2008


One thing the city does well is clean up fliers. This one was there one day and literally gone the next. Maybe it is not the city that cleans up well but people that see this and like it so much that they take it. Because the many fliers that are up for concerts at the new Vortex club or at the Boing! house never seem to come down. I'm so glad that I had my camera this day. I didn't exactly have time to stand there and read it at the time but was able to take these pictures. I'm not sure if I actually like the writing but I always love random acts of art.

"If I could speak to the place that is the core of you I wouldn’t. I’d wear a mask and hide there till you weren’t looking. Then I’d spray-paint love poems on the walls that protect the wealth behind your eyes. If you spotted me, I’d throw the foot chase so you could arrest me and toss my body into the cell of your higher understanding. I love you like the dumpster loves to starve people for the rich. I love you like the train yard loves the hobo’s courage. I love you like the shit job loves the hangover. I love you like the junkie loves the needle’s ritual. I love you like the tyrants love the coward’s fear. I love you like the sunset loves the thunderstorm to just wait a moment….BEFORE IT FIGHTS!!! Coup de-etat."

This flier was in the same place as the last but has a very different message.