December 5, 2008
Years back there was crazy-gun-toting-Chris, who use to hang out at the same coffee shop that I'd always go to. He was anywhere from 45 to 65 years old. Life had been hard on him or like one of my co-workers would say "he was ridden hard and put away wet". He was nuts. He believed that the government was going to use military force to make us all slaves and that we must be prepared. This is were all the guns came in. I never went to his home but a few friends who did said he had an arsenal under his bed. He was ok as long as you didn't bring up the government. If you did you'd have to listed to his ever escalating conspiracy theory rants. Well, I must have impressed him because one day he proclaimed , "You know, if the shit ever hits the fan, I'll make sure to have a can of beans for you up in the hills". Well, thanks Chris. Because if the shit ever did hit the fan a crazy gun nut is just the person you want on your side.