January 20, 2009


To celebrate the inauguration a portion of Winsor Street decided to have a street party and invite all of Utah. It was not as full as I thought it would be but still nice to be a part of. Live music. Games. Heaters. Port-a-pottie. Shoe toss. They thought of everything. KSL had a tiny article about it on-line. But the response in relation was huge.

Last I had checked there were about 300 comments. Most negative. Along the lines of "You may disagree with him but why would you disrespect a president of the USA like that?" A few of the comments were "If he were black people would be in arms about this party." and even less were "The organizer looks like a typical angry, liberal, dyke, bitch"

To the first comment I say you have to earn respect, which he did when he was elected and which he lost when he started to make horrible choices (wire tapping, torture, "nucular"). To the next comment I say "Yeah, maybe some people would be, but your up in arms about this one. Seems the same both ways to me". And lastly, I say "It takes one to know one. Come out of that closet into the light."