February 4, 2008


On one of my random walks about town, I found this place. At first I thought it was some kind of park or hiking area and decided to check it out.

There were a few non-working fountains, stone gazebos and statues. Then noticed the houses and figured that this may not be a park. I saw a few chickens and amazing peacocks just wandering free. That seemed a little strange if it was just a neighborhood. The peacock below is fairly plain compared to a couple that were walking around someone's back yard but she's the only one that was holding still.

The people that live here must be huge bird fanciers because at every turn were stones carved with sayings about how wonderful birds and nature are. Someone really must have spent a whole lot of time doing the mosaics and masondry around the place.

And then I saw this sign, which kind of scared me. I mean this place seems very hippie dippie and to run into this sign made me wonder if someone had a scope on me the whole time. Needless to say I turned right back around and left the land of the peacocks.