Ok, I promise that these are the last of the rally pictures. The speaker above is an openly gay former Marine. He spoke at one point about a man behind the gates of the LDS church saying to him, that he did not have a right to carry the American flag because he was protesting. To the person who harassed him about that, I say "FUCK YOU!". This man did what I am to chicken to do, he fought in our military. And even though I don't agree with where our military has been sent. I respect the people who volunteer to be there.
Then there was this speaker, who told us the story of chicken little. And how when gay marriage was legalized in Norway, Holland, Belgium, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Canada, Spain and South Africa, "the sky did not fall, chicken little". And how the sky will not fall, if same sex marriage is passed everywhere else.
Ah, the most composed 17 year old ever. Well, maybe not ever but definitely more composed than I ever would have been at 17 years old. He told us the story of his family and his 2 moms. He reiterated the idea that what we need is more love.
Lastly, they pulled out the clergy. The spiritual leaders who are not worried that same sex marriage will bring on the hell and brimstone. Unlike the guy below, who's sign, I think, might be saying that we are going to hell. He is using a line from revelation saying that your name needs to be on the book of life or else you'll be thrown into the lake of fire. And a line from David, in the old testament, were he had a dream of monsters and a court were everyone will be judged. Why is it that when christians want to condemn something they use revelations or the old testament, but never the actual teachings of Jesus, the guy that they all believe is the way to heaven?