So, the picture above was of a group of mormon singers trying to sing the crowd into repenting their evil ways, I guess. But they were very overwhelmed by the crowd chanting, "What do we want? Equality, When do we want it? Now".
And here are the precious children that we care so much about. They were chanting "Man and Woman" over and over, in front of the church office building. And yeah, what other church even has an office building? Well, the mormons do.
I have been told that there is a law saying that no other building can be higher than the office building. Like the Wellsfargo building is suppose to have more floors but because it is on land lower than the land that the office building is on, it is technically lower. I don't know if the law really exists but I wouldn't be surprised if it did. (I don't know what happened to the font or how to change it. Weird).